Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

Editing Analyses Forest Gump

In this report I will write about the diffeent camera perspectives which you can see in the first sequence of the film forest gump. The film forest gump was releast in the year 1994. The main actor in the film is Tom Hanks.
The first shot in the film forest gump is a long tracking shot of a birds feather slowly gliding down from a very high position. We can see the feahter gliding down for a very long time. The feather swirling around for a long time and getting carried by the wind. The camera is following the movement of the feather at all times. The lower the feather glides down in the direction of the ground the more and more the camera perspective changes into a high angle perspective. As soon the feather comes very close to the ground the perspective changes again into a low angle perspective. The feather get  swirled around again by the wind of a car which is passing by.

When the feather is swirled around again you can see the feather in a high angle perspective again flying into the direction of forest gump. Forest gump is sitting on a bench he sees the feather and picks the feather up a looks at it. The feather becomes a prob for him

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